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Atipical was born from necessity and developed with intention and authenticity; a client centric model that simplifies the process of taking a typical space and making it Atipical.

Staging & design done differently

orlando, fl home staging services

let's create your dream space

a TIP from the founder: Let your goal be the paper, let your inspiration be the lines, and allow the feeling to be the colors on the page. There are no mistakes in design, only beautiful redirections.

An environment where standing out is the norm and the space within the lines don’t exist.




“Pretty is a moment, inspiration is forever”



“I would rather be memorable than safe”

Be Memorable


find out more

Atipical was born in Orlando, Florida at the intersection where need, passion, and inspiration collided. The need to repurpose, showcase and reimagine beautiful spaces is what started us along on our journey. Passion, expression, and inspiration for developing raw potential into beautiful endings is what has guided us and made us great. Our background and expertise in real estate has allowed to closely follow and help shape some of the most significant trends in home decor and interior design and we have leaned into the idea that when it comes to design, breaking the rules is the foundation for greatness. 

Orlando staging & design pros

why us

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Book a free consultation to see how we can take your space from typical to Atipical! 

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“ I am a numbers guy with a high level understanding of the real estate market. I had an idea of what my property would sell for and was a bit skeptical when presented with the staging plan and the expected impact. I was blown away with how simple and well organized the process was and I was pleasantly surprised to see the plan work out better than I expected when my home sold for higher than list price and with multiple offers after less than 72 hours on the market.”

"my home sold for higher than list price"

orlando realtor

Life was good when I had sold my listing for my clients in less than 48 hours. I was thrown a curve ball when those clients cancelled the contract and the listing sat on the market. My clients had moved from the property and I’d noticed that people were a bit underwhelmed when they saw the property in person and all of the beautiful furniture and art from the photos were missing. In an effort to rebrand the property and get it sold I acquired the services of Atipical to do a full staging job. They came in and staged the property to showcase its true beauty. I was able to get the home under contract again quickly and get my clients a price that exceeded their expectations. I am truly grateful.

"showcased its true beauty"

Matt Rosenberg

I live in the U.K. and needed to sell my fathers home in the States after he passed away. The home was dated and definitely in need of some TLC. Atipical handled everything; from removing wallpaper and adding new paint to new carpet, flooring, and furniture. When I saw the finished product it was hard to believe it was the same house. I can’t thank their team enough and would recommend them to anyone in need of an update.

"it was hard to believe it was the same house"